What's the right time to learn a foreign language?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to understand every conversation? Or to know all the languages humans speak?

Well the answer is undoubtedly, Yes!

But did you know – The crown of being multilingual has humongous benefits. Learning new foreign languages gives you a peek into their rich culture and diverse accents. In addition to fun experiences, it also serves as a major cognitive booster to your brain.


Start at your youngest!

Researches suggest that the prime time to learn a foreign language starts from childhood. This is that phase of your life where your grasping abilities are at their peak. That is why children and growing babies ape personalities and languages so quickly. The MIT based study also promotes the popular research stating, up to 10 years of age

Studies have also found that basic grammar-learning ability stands strong till the age of 17 to 18 years. After that, there exists a slow decline in most cases. 

But do not worry if you have missed the age, you still can get on board with new exciting foreign languages to sharpen the core of your mind and increase your cultural reach.

Yes, not just age, but even time plays a prominent role in comprehending and learning new languages! Learning a new language requires strong memory retention and switching capability. Hence, it is best to learn the art at a time period where your alertness is at its peak. Scholars suggest that usually the peak time in the morning after a good sleep is perfect to start. It is further suggested that glancing through language vocabulary before hitting the bed also helps in long term retention of the study.

It is ironic that sleep has a great impact on your learning!


The art of ‘Multilingualism’ is the best food to your mind. It spikes up your critical thinking performance and enhances your memory power. By learning new foreign languages, you provoke your mind to multitask, resulting in positive mental strengthening. Your cohesive thinking and speaking ability come under the spotlight and work to achieve solid harmony.

What are you waiting for?

Go ahead, develop yourself by hopping into the beauty of global lingual diversity!


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